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21 May, 2015

Book on Prohibition in Gujarat and Mizoram released

L-R: Chief Guest releases book
My first book entitled, Prohibition: A Socio-Economic Assessment of Gujarat and Mizoram was released by Pu P.C. Lalthanliana, Hon'ble Minister i/c. Horticulture, LAD and Social Welfare on 12th June, 2014 at Savidge Hall, Upper Khatla, Aizawl.

The release function was chaired by Dr. Malsawmdawngliana, Asst. Prof., Pachhunga University College and a book review was made by Dr. Vanlalhruaia, Asst. Prof., Govt. Aizawl North College. The release function was concluded with a vote of thanks by my father, Lalduhawma Hnamte.

The release function was followed by a discussion on the Mizoram Liquor Total Prohibition Act with Dr. Rohmingmawii, Pachhunga University College as the Moderator. The discussion focussed on the implications of MLTP Act from the social, religious, economic and political perspectives. Participants include academicians, theologians, media personnel and others.  

This book, Prohibition: A Socio-Economic Assessment of Gujarat and Mizoram is my Master of Philosophy dissertation under the supervision of Prof. I. Ramabrahmam submitted to the Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad in 2012. The book is published by Serials, New Delhi in 2014.

Cover of the book
This book makes an attempt to comprehensively assess the socio-economic conditions of Gujarat and Mizoram under the policy of alcohol prohibition. Dr. J. Doungel, Asso. Prof. & Head of Department, Department of Political Science, Mizoram University  writes the foreword to the book. In the book, readers can find the nature of alcohol policy in India, the origin and development of prohibition movement, the role of civil society in regards to alcohol policy and the socio-economic conditions of Gujarat and Mizoram such as health, standard of living, crime, direct and indirect prohibition-related costs etc. in comparison with their neighboring wet states.

The book costs Rs.795 ($40) and is available for online purchase at:
If you are in Mizoram, you can purchase it from Baptist Book Room and Synod Book Room.